Lead Agency Since 2016

Preventing Accidental
Childhood Injuries

Safe Sleep Class
with Free Pack and Play
for ELIGIBLE Parents
There is nothing more beautiful than a sleeping baby, especially for parents who are often tired themselves.
By attending our virtual/interactive Safe Sleep Class, parents and caregivers can create a safe place for their baby to sleep and nap.
Fact: Unintentional suffocation is the leading cause of injury related death among children under 1 year old!
Our Safe Sleep Class is available to any parent or caregiver, eligible parents may qualify to receive a free pack and play after attending the 40 minute virtual course and completing the required surveys.
To schedule an appointment today
Follow the link below

Remember that safety recalls don’t expire, so check our product recalls pages regularly, especially if you receive hand-me-downs or buy children’s products at a secondhand shop or yard sale.