Lead Agency Since 2016

Preventing Accidental
Childhood Injuries

Safe Kids Day is an awareness and fundraising initiative to prevent childhood injury. Our community is joining hundreds across the nation to celebrate Safe Kids Day. On June 17, 2017, we are planning a free family event where they can come and get safety education, play games, and win prizes.
Funds raised through Safe Kids Day will support a critically important cause – preventing injuries to children. That’s what we do here at Safe Kids Columbus, and we are part of Safe Kids Worldwide, a nonprofit organization that works here the United States and globally to keep kids safe.
Preventable injuries are the #1 killer of kids in the United States, and in our community about 89 children die each year from injuries that are preventable. Here in our community, Safe Kids Columbus is part of the Columbus Regional Health and we do incredible work to protect kids. We educate caregivers on car seat safety through our Buckle up program, have bike helmet giveaways , and participate in pedestrian safety through our Walk this Way program in partnership with Safe Routes to school, Midtown, Inc., FedEx and the Columbus Police Department.
Would you consider being a sponsor of Safe Kids Day? It would mean so much to have your leadership and support of this important initiative.
Here is how you can help:
Local Presenting Sponsor $5,000 - $10,000
Event – High profile recognition at event & opportunity to make remarks; Complimentary booth space to interact and hand out promotional materials
Marketing – Name/logo on all Safe Kids Columbus Safe Kids Day marketing material and invitation as Local Presenting Sponsor
Communications – Inclusion in press releaseOnline – Recognition on Safe Kids Day webpage and social media
Safe Kids Guardian $1,000
Event – Recognition at event; Complimentary booth space to interact and hand out promotional materials
Marketing – Name/Logo on Safe Kids Columbus Safe Kids Day invitation
Online – Recognition on Safe Kids Day webpage and social mediaSafe Kids
First Responder $500
Event – Booth space to interact and hand out promotional materials
Marketing – Name/Logo on Safe Kids Columbus Safe Kids Day invitation
Online – Recognition on Safe Kids Day webpage and social media
For more information on becoming a sponsor for Safe Kids Day, please call our office at 706-321-6720.